Resources and Efficiency
Character Support Mechanics
By: @akariaikawa
Added: 2023-07-01 (v. 1.1)
Last tested: 2023-05-08 (v. 1.0)
The character support system gives 2000 credits whenever it's used, up to a max of (I think its 50,000? I'm trying to find where the game says this, ill check later) credits. this ticket is to figure out how the system works exactly between every use and every round, as well as documenting other uses of the support system (like borrowing a character to complete a team for a character-related achievement ie. One Big Happy Family)
honestly im not sure how to document this yet? between two devices/friends at least. i could as my friend to screenshot/record the process or i could. but so far ive done two 6x rounds with my friend and she only got 10K. whereas my friend's done a single 6x round today and i only received 6K. it leads us to believe:
1. you need to do 1 round at a time, with "attempt again"
2. you need to do 1 round at a time, without "attempt again"
3. number of rounds doesn't matter, there is an internal cooldown in the form of time that the game recognizes that is individual per account.
4. number of rounds doesn't matter, there is an internal cooldown in the form of number of other accounts using the support before your account counts towards 'giving' the 2000 credits again (like genshin's trees)
the 4 above are untested hypotheses that we'll get through soon once our trailblaze power replenishes tested, hypothesis 2 is proven
you get to know how to milk credits out of the support system 😎 why farm credits with trailblaze power when you can help a bro and get credits at the same time, saving your resources to farm other things. also allows to receive stellar jades by completing team-specific achievements